I felt like posting something but I did not have anything in silico to offer up. Nothing that was of the drawn or painted variety at least. This is an "Angle" from a coffee spill. I often see the concept of Jesus or the Virgin Mary appearing in toast or turtle shells. This of course is just for the aesthete and hold as form from random, or whatever the physics that apply to the drop of coffee impacting on a counter surface. fin
I noticed one of the gaps in my floralore is in the grasses. They are ubiquitous and therefore easily overlooked. I have started looking at what is around me in a very immediate area. Some cursory look for types and names have come up with such goodies as Goose grass, Foxtail, Johnsongrass and crowsfootgrass . I have not ventures into the wilds of prospect park so eveything here is all from "side walk" habitats. The corn stalk might seem odd man out but it is in the family and I did find it by chance growing au natural, if that is the right phrase. If it does flower and it does fruit, and is susequently not eaten, I am told corn cannot reseed without human intervention. I would like that to be wrong.
If nothing else this lets me try out different ideas and styles. The word menagerie applies both the the collection of styles as well as the zoocentric subject matter. This gets added to often and usually in suites. I would like to further the dimensions of te "menagerie" by using it as a group show theme. Feel free to contact me on this. reinopower@gmail.com